Vizianagaram Church of Christ

"......But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” - John 4:23,24
9 am Worship Service
6 pm Evening Service
8 am junior Sunday School
4 pm senior Sunday School
9am-4 pm Bible College
6 pm Bible Study
7 pm Men Meeting
6 pm Cottage Prayer
3 pm Womens Meet
5 pm Bible Study at Medical College
7 pm Bible Study at Leprosy Mission college
Community 1 - YSR Colony
We have started two communities cell groups, where we reach surrounding people from one of the believers house, and start worship and prayer services.
Community 2 - Fort Junction
We have also started community cell group at Fort junction which is one of the popular center in the Vizianagaram city. We are looking for a rented room to start "Bible Learning Center" here.
There are new events that will be conducted this month and next month so we request you to continue to pray for all these programs.
Mobile Bible School- Every Saturday
In Vizianagaram where both boarding and lodging will be provided, this is mainly intended for the young students who have the enthusiasm to learn God word.
Student English Learning program
Students are welcome to bring their friends who are interested to learn English so that they can also learn English through Bible with specially designed lessons. Contact the given phone numbers to be enrolled.
Classes will be conducted at town center
Classes will be conducted at newly opened Bible Learning Center in the town. And the details will be provided if any one who wanted to participate and who wanted to give a message to their acquaintances.