Vizianagaram Church of Christ

Dear Website Guest;
Thank You for your "virtual visit!" We are delighted you stopped by. You may be wondering, "what is the Church of Christ?" You may also wonder; "what is special about the church meeting at Viziangaram Church of Christ?" Good and valid questions, both.
In short, the Church of Christ was established by Christ Himself (Matt. 16:18). If we truly love Christ and are seeking His face, then we will do as he asks (John 14:15). The church of Christ is NOT a denomination, since "denominating" ourselves into separate religious groups is a sin and is condemned in scripture (I Cor. 1:10-13). Instead of promoting religious disunity, we promote Christian unity based SOLELY upon the Word of God, which is ALL "God-Breathed" and is "useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness" so that the righteous person may be "thoroughly equipped for every good work" (II Tim. 3:16,17). We have no creed book but the Bible, and "where the Bible speaks, we speak; and where the Bible is silent, we are silent." We have no "church headquarters" here on earth; each congregation governs itself... just as in the 1st century.
We believe that the "Bible only makes Christians only." We believe that in order to please God, we must neither "add to or take away" from the Word that God has revealed to us (Deut. 4:2, Rev. 22:18).
If you are tired of "man's way" and are seeking GOD'S WAY, won't you be our guest soon?We would love to share God's Word with you further regarding the nature of God, His plan of salvation, and the purpose and the nature of Christ's church.
As a group of real people in the Church of Christ meeting on Vizianagaram, please allow us to say a few words as to what to expect when you visit as our honored guest: You will find people just like you who are seeking God, but are not judgmental of others. You will find people just like you who are seeking religious unity, but not at the expense of truth revealed in the Bible by God. You will hear Bible-centered lessons that are personally against no one, except Satan himself. You will NOT find people who justify themselves by condemning others. What you will find are people just like you who love the Lord and want to serve and please Him. If you are searching for something you have yet to find, won't you join us soon at the Vizianagaram Church of Christ?
Should you wish to speak to someone regarding these matters, please contact us (see our contact page). Until we meet in person, go with God in His service.