Vizianagaram Church of Christ

Vizianagaram Bible College
We are very much honored to present before you about the Vizianagaram Bible College. It is the creative experiment which turned into amazing program by the Vizianagaram Church of Christ towards many peoples salvation. Bro.Simon, 60 years old, Preacher at Vizianagaram Church of Christ has teaching for many years working with the congregation. With his Experience in preaching truth he wanted to teach to the denomination Pastors who are already working around these areas who are enthusiastic to learn the truth and also to faithful young people who have zeal to live and learn Gods word(II Tim. 2:2).
It works in many ways..
· It will help the individual to learn the truth and be saved.
· It will help their families.
· It will even help their congregations and to reach their community of people where they are living. Many will come to the knowledge of truth in attempting to teach one enthusiastic person.
I want to bring to your notice the principle of collective work- “none of us is as strong as all of us” – so we believe that we can do miracles with Lord’s help if we can work together which a person cannot accomplish alone.
So in 2011, we started initially with 12 members of denominations leaders and some young people who are enthusiastic to learn the truth. It is conducted on Tuesday, for one day in a week, as these denominational leaders can make time for the study among all there ministries and works.
These people are provided lunch as they arrive from very distant places, and as some of them even can’t afford their traveling but have great enthusiasm to learn are provided with the traveling allowances. It got a very huge response from those leaders confessing that they were in blindness until then to see the things in the Lords perspective.
After teaching the lessons, they will be given test on the next week on the lessons taught in the previous week and those are graded. Who got good grades are encouraged in many ways.
“ I have been trained in different Bible schools and colleges for 7 years, but I never had been come across these simple truths and lessons in my life. I really consider blessing to come here and learn the truth, for this I will ever thank our Father. I know for many years about “Church of Christ” and even some of our relatives were members in another place but never convinced of these things. But now I stand learned these things I am willing to walk in the true paths for what ever consequences I face from now onwards – I remain thankful to the Vizianagaram Church of Christ for arranging these for the people like us”
- G.D.Paul , Amadavalsa town
( used to work with NEW TESTMENT PENTOCOSTAL CHURCH until 2012 )
It is not the only witness, but many more….we stand here to see these amazing results as Lord working out here through us.
After completion of one year, as it is one year program, some of the pastors shown interest to continue to learn, so extended to give opportunity to one more year among them who shown interest to study more. As faith comes from hearing – we extended the opportunity to hear those lessons again to make sure what they learned and understand to lay firm foundation for their lives. They ever stand in truth striving further for progress in building Christ centered lives.
We had altered process from second year, that as there wives are prominent part of the preachers, we wanted to make them both learned of the Gods word so they can together learn and become an effective family and in turn make thrust on congregation and the society with Godly lives. So from second year we have implemented to make wives of the pastors to be part of the training along with them.
This is the fourth year, and now the third batch is being trained. You are encouraged to visit us and pray for us.