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These below are some of our ministries....

Prayer & Worship


We know that the worship is the most prominent part of life of a person, true worship is in Spirit and in Truth (John 4:24) and prayer is the prominent part to be successfully in any work and we always remember our Lord's words that we need to prayer with out ceasing( I Thess. 5:17). We meet every day who are able to get together and pray for every ministry we undertook and for all our brothers and for our country.

Bible College


In 2011 we have started the Bible College program which proved to be very successful in preparing leaders and multiply the church plantings in these areas. Please check the link "Bible College" for the information and also please also write to us for our  monthly preachers newsletter.

Sunday school & VBS


We know that the children are to be given same privilege to listen to the God's word and learn about God and about the way He created for a purpose. And the children can more effectively, fruitfully reached in our communities with the truth which will later have its effect in the remaining life.

Youth Programs


Youth are most prominent part of any nation because there will be good percentage of young generation than any other age groups in any nation, it is especially true in India where there is 1.27 billion people where the major are young people. We reach them with different programs and especially in the Summer Mobile Bible School (SMBS) and Bible Learning Centers(BLC) and also conducting Bible Camps.



We have good number who have learned the local traditional music. So we sing Acapella singing, with all of our hearts and spirit. We have recorded some songs and circulated in all the Andhra pradesh state in India where many of the Church of Christ congregations and people are always asking for CD's but we are unable to provide due lack of finances. 

Community service


We visit hospitals and help patients as we can and take their contact and pray for them and also giving counseling. We also planted trees and also participated in cleaning our vicinity programs, helping people to understand the need of maintaining cleanliness and plantation.  

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